Chinese Money

The past few months have been unbearably busy.  I also understand now, looking into the rear view mirror, that I quite simply needed a break from the blog.  It was a perfect storm.  It really was.

School activities, children events, my April trip to China, my family vacation.  That is all water under the bridge now.

It feels good to me to be able to write.  I see now on Youtube there are quite frankly a plethora of videos about China.  Fair enough. I'd rather write.  It makes me think more concisely.   Though I admit having to edit my work before publishing sucks.  Grammar Review is such a time suck.

This will be another brief post.  The days of 2000 word posts(nearly all of my posts up to this year were about that length) are perhaps behind me.

I went with my family to Yellowstone National Park.  Best vacation I ever spent with my family.  Sure the family upon occasion argued, but the highs were far more than the lows. 

And I want to tell you about it.

You see, I just wrote a post about the Chinese, and to a certain extent, the Indian's.

Fifty percent of the visitors to the Park were Chinese.  I exaggerate not.  The balance was Indian and American.  I saw maybe 4 black people. 

The National Park System is unique.  It is free.  But if you drive a car, well, there is that;  we paid $35.  For a one week pass.  What a steal. 

I encourage everyone to try and make it out.  In retrospect, I should say maybe 10% of visitors were European.   It was a grand time.

But the Chinese ratio shocked me.  Yes, I've known of Chinese coming to America in wave upon wave and buying houses with cash.  Of propping up financially unstable private schools with enrollment, and of propping up colleges with their full tuition.

I know of such things.  And I've written about it ad nausem.

Buy this latest example of the importance of Chinese money must be written about.  They are everywhere, and not going away.  I repeat, Chinese immigration is not going away.  And we need to hope that Chinese money will not go away.  However, I believe in absolute terms that regarding Chinese Money there is quite frankly enough to go around.   The world has become the biggest beneficiary of Chinese money.

And we in America need to compete for it.  And those in other countries need to do the same.  I jokingly like to say the Chinese need to bring all the money they've embezzled and stolen and bring it here to spend.   And you no what? I'm fine with that. 

Because the American Middle Class doesn't have any.  True, we went to Yellowstone very, very early in the season.  We got out just before rates jacked up sky high.   And we still spent thousands.  However, the influx of Chinese into the towns at each entrance was overwhelming.

They either take tour buses from LA or Vegas, or they come as individual families.

Very few of them speak English.  Or understand our ways per say.  They ate cereal frm a coffee cup for instance in the motels.  (Who cares)  But they got along.   In West Yellowstone they invariably  ate at the local Chinese Restaurant.      Not being able to stop myself, as they piled into a local Chinese eatery, I burst out,

"When in Rome do as the Romans right?"

"Yes!", one of them shouted back.

"So why are you going inside there to eat?", I pointed at the Chinese fastfood joint.

They just stared at me.

Chinese money is effecting our economy in so many ways, and the Chinese seem to have plenty of it.
It was very impressive to see Chinese signs written everywhere at the gate entrances.  Many a stop within the park had a Chinese language brochure, free of charge. 

The public needs to pay more attention to such a thing.

And as for my country, and yours too.....we need to figure out how to keep it. 


  1. Not just the US... UK, Australia, Canada, New Zeland, etc. Hey the Chinese are even buying real estate in Japan in mass. Anything to "invest" off-shore from China. I actually think this is China's biggest problem. Too many of their own just want to leave and immigrate somewhere else and take all of their money with them.

    1. Yes, you are correct. I wrote a article about that a few years ago. The money drain. Which is why China has put such draconian currency flows in place.


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