China Man needs to chill out
Trust me, you are making it hard for all of us. Yes, I know, I’ve sympathized with you in the past. You need to buy a house and a car just to get a chick to look at you, blah blah blah. Chinese women are gold diggers. Yes, I know that, too. They like the Laowai….well, because their laowai. And I’ve also muttered about their undersexed moms, most of whom would rather play mahjong and gossip until 2am than come anywhere near a man. In short, there is no one of non HAN BLOOD who has publicized your plight more than I. As only Nixon could go to China, you too, my over eager friend, simply need to cut me slack on this one. Still….you guys have got to learn how to pick up women. Or rather, do something that will not make it harder on the rest of us. Because your methods are…well, shall we say…..Self defeating. I’m tempted to say laughable, but I won’t.(whoops) There are many, many reasons ...