Affection....Practicality...what gives?
Ok, guys, you have spoken. (Do I still have female readers? Is Femme Nazi still around?) I’m a bit unhappy that apparently none of you have cool interest in Revisionist Chinese History. Well, if the last few posts haven’t clinched My Pulitzer, than perhaps I should face myself in the mirror and desperately admit nothing will. One of my Anonymous Readers has been asking me for the past couple of weeks to write about “soul”. Or rather, the tendencies of Chinese Women as regards Affectionate Behavior. This is very much a sore point for us Western Men. Having said that, if you are a Japanese Fellow, just move along…you are perhaps more attuned to this type of behavior than us Western Saps are. Western Men are dreadfully easy. We want a good meal and great sex. That’s it. (ok, well, don’t spend so much of our money) We don’t need you to make the bed. We don’t need you to wash the car. We will require you to change your panties daily though,