Count Dooku gives advice to China
Much ado has been made about China’s eventual surpassing of the United States’ as the World’s pre-eminent Power. Nevermind I cannot think of one instance where one up and coming rival surpassed or tried to surpass another on the global stage peacefully, without conflict. Doesn’t happen. Sparta vs Athens? War. Spain vs England? Same Germany vs Britain? Ditto What about on the regional stage? Japan vs China? So let’s just get this out of the way; China should someday surpass the United States as the World’s eminent Power…… Last year a global survey was taken and the question was asked: “China will or already has replaced the US as Superpower”? Now this is a bit of a clever question. Because it asked not is or can , but will ? Of course China will! But will it happen in my lifetime? Of course not(Thank God). Though it should happen within a couple hundred years….I’d say well before then. Unless something else happe