Count Dooku gives advice to China
Much ado has been made about China’s eventual surpassing of
the United States’ as the World’s pre-eminent Power. Nevermind I cannot think of one instance
where one up and coming rival surpassed or tried to surpass another on the
global stage peacefully, without conflict.
Doesn’t happen.
Sparta vs Athens?
Spain vs England?
Germany vs Britain?
What about on the regional stage?
Japan vs China?
So let’s just get this out of the way; China should
someday surpass the United States as the World’s eminent Power……
Last year a global survey was taken and the question was
“China will or already has replaced the US as Superpower”?
Now this is a bit of a clever question. Because it asked not is or can, but will?
Of course China will! But will it
happen in my lifetime? Of course
not(Thank God).
Though it should happen within a couple hundred years….I’d
say well before then. Unless something
else happens first.
It was interesting to note the country with the highest % of
people thinking China’s rise is inevitable is….
67% believed it would as opposed to 16% that wrongfully said
NEVER! To paraphrase Kiefer Sutherland,
how can a billion Chinese be wrong?
A good portion of those probably think China already has
overtaken America.
Still, may I quibble?
After all, how can a nation with only a few nuclear weapons
become greater than a nation with a few thousand?
As I write this there is a massive natural gas leak in
California, and a lead scare in Michigan.
Doesn’t put much faith in the ability of the United States to get things
done does it? (No whiff of a Superpower there.) Both caused by human error. That is, the USA isn’t exactly acting like a
SUPERPOWER if you ask me. Much less look like one. How can
the Chinese come here and not think
their future is so bright??
I think it’s silly the number of people predicting China
will surpass America is only 67%. Rather
small, don’t you think? After all, we
only have 300 million people….it’s a matter of statistics.
The problem with China’s very strong belief in its destiny
is that it doesn’t look at statistics as the basis for its answer but PRIDE
instead. Or to use the “E” word, “emotion”. I’ve been reading a lot of Stephen Ambrose
lately. I’ve finished “Nothing Like it
in the World”, and am now on “Custer and Crazy Horse”. Both of his themes in these books are the
American sense of destiny. The country
must grow at all costs. Virgin forests
older than the hills must be cut down.
The buffalo that once roamed as far East as Ohio decimated. Nothing must stand in the way. And nothing does.
So it is with China.
Until about 5 minutes ago, I’d argue the vast majority of
Chinese felt the same way about their environment. Coal dust turning the snow of Beijing
black? So what! It’s the price of industrialization. The Gobi filling the air in Beijing with
sand….it’s always been that way!
We’re all way too familiar with the problems China has. The perception of China is always up and
down. Like with other countries. America in particular. The Chinese are all too aware of their own
environmental issues. Its waters are
undrinkable. To this day I will not eat
fish in China. (the salmon is
imported) We can only guess at how far
past saving the soil is.
But what I’m wondering is this….how can a nation with so
many glaring and visible problems be so sure of its rise? Of its importance? Where’s the logic in
Try as a might, I cannot understand with what logical basis
other than numbers and thus inevitability does China believe it will surpass
America? If you believe the numbers…(a very big if!),
than doesn’t China already have a larger economy than America? You remember China has 5 times America’s
population, right? That’s a lot of cash
to spread around.
So, sure as the sun rises “in the West” I am certain China
will overtake America.
The Chinese are a proud people. We know this. It is that oh so volatile ingredient Pride
along with that sinister tasting koolaid we call Sense of Manifest Destiny that
fuels China on. Nothing else.
Many years ago when I was living in Tokyo I was able to catch my favorite football team on Armed Forces Radio. To my surprise they were winning against their heavily favored opponent. Then the tide slowly turned. And as it did the announcer simply said “sooner or later a team needs to have talent” to sustain itself. Emotion is finite. It can only carry one so far.
Many years ago when I was living in Tokyo I was able to catch my favorite football team on Armed Forces Radio. To my surprise they were winning against their heavily favored opponent. Then the tide slowly turned. And as it did the announcer simply said “sooner or later a team needs to have talent” to sustain itself. Emotion is finite. It can only carry one so far.
And so it goes with China.
Awhile back I wrote a piece on China’s vast foreign currency
savings. These savings were and still are a point of
pride for China not only as a player on the global stage but amongst the people
themselves. China was in effect, in the process of buying its way into The Club. China recently has been having the time of
its life poking America in the eye with its new found “wealth”.
Boy do things change fast. China has been broke before. But that was when everyone was poor. And equal. No one had a car. Or an apartment. The black market exchange rate was 12-1. $1 for 12 rmb.
Expectations were pretty low.
If China somehow manages to squander away its vast foreign
currency holdings to maintain its economy, how will the Chinese People react? That is the question. How will the government explain it away? More interesting to note….who will The Masses
blame? How will a People that think so highly of its
self carry on? To the point, will it let
the government off the hook? Or will
folks like you and me simply be the scapegoat of yet another China Failing?
Meanwhile, while this survey confirms that while China thinks
quite highly of itself, China is still drinking the koolaid of endless
prosperity and inevitable domination of its region. Like the American Pioneers of the
It’s quite possible China can set yet another new
record: quickest collapse of a
Does that make me Anti-China? Of course not!
But when a country so sure of its self and its place in the
world suddenly falls flat on its face we barbarians are all so curious how the
Chinese People will react…..?
What was it Count Dooku said….? Oh yes….
“Twice the pride, double the fall.”
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