Whiney Laowai
It’s hard to be a laowai today in China…….the inevitable article. Today’s Laowai in China have it hard. No longer a curiosity, people today just don’t think of us as much of a waibing(foreign guest) as they used, too. No one allows us to cut to the front of the line. No one walks up to the street anymore asking “can I help you?” People still stare….just not like they used too, ie as if we were aliens. Animosity has become commonplace towards the laowai. They think we’re all pimps…the dregs of our own society. Outcasts. As China is the place where all things go to get recycled alas, we send the grist of our steak to China as well. However, dare I say that for the newly arrived laowai of the past several years…..boy do you have it good! Oh where to begin……..let’s reminisce: Fast food…… Yep, life is nice when you can load up on a McDonald’s bfast! Or get a pizza! And it doesn’t have to be at Pizza Hut! When I first came here we had none of thos