In a land with no Party, bad things would happen
It’s quite fashionable(and makes a lot of sense) to bemoan
the authoritarian, heavy handed management style of the CCP. I find a lot, if not most of what it does
reprehensible. We just consider it as
understood and thusly do not dwell on it.
And I’m at the point now in my life where I just dread talking
politics. My mind is more on
dinner(chicken or salmon?), than on anything going on in Beijing.
However, we have forgotten that without the firm management
style of the CCP, China would from a macro level, be worse off. Possibly much worse off. And if China goes Kaput than it effects
everybody. I’m not trying to justify the
existence of the CCP, and I’m sure has hell not trying to glorify this very non
august body. Rather, I’m just stating
the obvious that anyone that has lived here for any proper length of time
already knows.
Here are some examples:
Nobody, and I mean
nobody here follows the rules.
Everyone is trying to get an edge. It’s that simple. They even poison children’s formula. But that’s not enough. Now they have to hoard baby formula as well,
for a profit. I saw a guy last week with
over 30 cans of the stuff not 100 feet from Lohu customs.
Openly rearranging his future profit. In a society where everyone is trying to get
an edge on everyone else, trust and
civility go out the window. “Doing
what’s right” doesn’t apply. And when
that societal condition is in play, a strong hand needs to be visible.
Just as the more one fellow brags at his skill in something, the less likely he’s actually good at it, the
same applies here; the more rules a
society has is in direct relationship to it’s inability to administer it’s own
laws. So it has to create more.
My chief assistant is 25.
He was born well after the one child rule took effect. He has 4 siblings. His best friend has nine! When I go to a temple, everytime I see a
sign posted that says “no pictures”, you are guaranteed to see several doing
just that!
There is a nature park in Hangzhou(not a very good one, I
might add…skip it). What does it
say? Don’t pick the flowers. What do people do? Of course the opposite.
Shenzhen banned those quiet motor scooters last year. Didn’t make a dent. Had zero impact.
It’s like a cat and mouse game.
“You make news laws, and we’ll pretend to listen. You just pretend to enforce them”.
Some people may come to the opposite conclusion. How’s that?
Maybe a less rule prone society will have more adherence. Nah….I think it’s the opposite. The society is now so desensitized to
rules, that it adversely needs a stronger hand to keep the populace in place.
How is a society that
doesn’t always bend in fear to the current way of doing things going to respect
a more civil democratic process? It’s
not! It would resemble more of the Wild West, though. It would more resemble Pakistan or Afghanistan than it would
a civil, law abiding country. Pakistan
and Afghanistan are just democratic versions of China. You’ll notice they are more violent places
though. Which brings us to…..
Give China a lot of credit for not having guns. If China had guns, half the population would
be dead tomorrow. It’s ability to
maintain gun control should be commended.
But once the CCP is gone(ie, it’s heavy handed mgt style), gun runners
from everywhere will get very rich. The
Chinese border will suddenly become very porous. Don’t forget it’s a hell of a large border.
Easy access to guns in chaotic nations leads to….more
guns. An unending spiral of self destruction. Almost like “nation-state suicide”. Africa comes to mind(as do the above two
paradises). The world simply could not
cope with a nation as already unwieldy as China with a free flow of guns. Taiwan factories would flee. If China became as crazy as Pakistan, the
world order would be upended. Foreign
kidnappings would ensue. I’d like to
think the CCP prevents that……
Organized Crime
Kidnappings would become a big business. KTV’s would be forced to pay protection
money(if not already). Local politicans(you
know, the small town type that likes to go to Macau and spend the villages
money) would be quickly intimidated and controlled. Gambling would even possibly be legalized in
mainland China.
The mob in China is bad news, because we already know how
easy it is to pay off crime fighting officials.
We’ve see it all over the world.
It was easy to do in the USA. We
already know how powerful money is in China.
But money utilized with the aim of achieving a strategic goal would be
more pervasive.
Elections would be bought.
If a democratic country such as the USA could have these problems, why
couldn’t China? It is well known that
JFK bought his way to the Democratic nomination in 1960. (thx Dad).
How can China not be immune?
Overall violence and crime
1930’s China revisited.
With the advent of guns, and organized crime(hell, just one of the two),
China suddenly has an exponential increase in settling of scores(some go back
to the Cultural Revolution. One
professor on a campus told me he see his 60’s era tormentors everyday. Their “only” coworkers now). That’s the problem when a country has such an
emphasis on FACE. It requires revenge in
order to retain it. China has an
incredible intelligence apparatus. For
better or for worse, it keeps the people in check(I know, I know).
Rich people suddenly become targeted. Chinese people are so addicted to “appearances”, that it’s
easy to see who has money and who doesn’t.
Let’s just say a violent redistribution of wealth would take place. Demonstrations would also be harder to put
down. It’s harder you see, when the
other side also has guns.
Disparity of Wealth
will increase because a vacuum of lawlessness would ensue should the CCP not
run China. Rules and regulations will
be harder to enforce, and bribery and such more brazen. Again look at Russia. All those uber wealthy folks made their money
between the fall of the USSR and the rise of Putin.
Rise of provincialism, decline of national unity.
The Chinese are remarkably provincial. The USA is as well, to a degree. We all give favor to folks from our
hometown. But China takes it to a whole
new level. If civil disruption were to
occur, national unity would wane. This is
related to the lack of trust in China, of each other. Chinese only tend to trust people from their
own regions, who speak their own local dialect.
A nation without a strong central
government to bond all the different
elements together would become more tribal(again, like Africa.)
Post CCP government’s would be more nationalistic and foolhardy.
That’s because elections
would be based more on popularity contests(to attract the different regions of
China), rather than common sense. And
again, because of China’s deeply ingrained inferiority complex, politicians
would start trouble with other nations in order to harness that emotion. Inflation would skyrocket.
Just less stable
The CCP will never win any popularity contests. But China is stable, and that’s because of the
CCP. Is China less stable now than
before? Yes. Would China be less stable though, should the
CCP just resign from power? Read my
post and reach your own conclusions.
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