Jiang Qing comes to Yanan
The obvious thing to say is that Jiang Qing in hindsight had
no chance. She was oil and well everyone else was water. A Shanghai “adulteress” whom
all of a sudden is a fervent Party Member.
Yet another pretty face wanting to gain acceptance without having paid
her dues.
This was a woman whom in a fleeting moment of affection for
her boyfriend and nothing more had sworn her allegiance to Communism, then in
only a few short years marched off to be an actress in the Gomorrah of China
itself, Shanghai.
In the interim, between 1931 and 1937 she had done nothing
for The Party. Nothing for China. Everything she had done was for Li Yunhe,
and now Jiang Qing.
And to top it off in no time at all she’s bedding The Big
Enchilada himself, Mr. Mao. Quite
possibly someone she had never even heard of, let alone knew what he looked
like until after her arrival to Yanan.

(In better times......much better times.)
As I hinted at in part one, the hypocrisy of the Party
regarding Mao’s sex life versus Jiang Qing’s sex life was obvious. For all practical purposes, Mao was already
twice married himself(I’m not counting the arranged marriage), and even still
married when he “fell in” with the girl from Shanghai.
I’ve previously written about “Mao’s women”. They were without exception Revolutionary
Stalwarts. Much admired and
respected. To this day held in great
reverence. One in exile in Russia, the
other dead from the hands of one of China's ubiquitous Warlords. But the sad truth is they were both
abandoned by Mao himself. He had tired of
them. And that is all.
They can be idealized by Yanan, praised for their dedication
to The Cause. Respected and idolized by
their peers. But the sad fact is none of
that saved them with Mao. Their Party
Credentials meant nothing with him. Not
one damn thing.
This was nothing but a man tiring of a woman. And like all big and powerful men, finding a
way to get rid of her.
And by extension it meant nothing with the Party. Afterall, “Party Purity” was for
Revolutionary Ideals and not for one’s sex life. Still, the way Mao dealt with his previous
wives should have been a major red flag if nothing else. Afterall, if Mao could be so cold and
decisive with his wives, the mother of his children, then what of his attitude
towards the Chinese People themselves? There was much room for reflection here,
amongst the Chinese Party Elite. But
there is no evidence that it took place.
Still, the Party Leadership surely had decided it lived in
glass houses. And that alone could have
been the internal reasoning that prevailed to not punish Mao. Perhaps 5 years earlier, before he was truly
known within the Party, an irreversible blemish would’ve curtailed this
rise. But in 1937, Mao was clearly in
charge, ascendant. At worst a first
among equals.
After all, didn’t FDR have his affairs? One of which with Eleanor’s own
secretary? Didn’t LBJ have a child out
of wedlock? (A dead ringer for dad, he
was, who died quite young.) JFK?
Enter Jiang Qing.
How could she not have felt any resentment?
Despite Mao’s history she was the one that felt the
If she were 19 with an innocent smile and cute pigtails
she’d be pitied. Instead she was a
woman that knew as much about Men as Mao knew about Women. And as Mao would soon enough find out she
really didn’t have any loyalty to the Party.
And no, she wasn’t going to go into exile either. Mao had basically met his match.
This was a woman that finally had found her way in life and
she wasn’t going to be pushed aside anytime soon, oh so very much to Mao’s and
China’s chagrin.
If anything, Mao certainly made a mistake picking Jiang Qing
to be his mistress cum wife. Right? To have picked a less experienced, less worldly
wife would have eased the resistance. Any
Party Loyalist would’ve been better than Jiang Qing. But history has its unpredictable twists and
turns. And Mao’s marriage to Jiang Qing
simply had too many short sellers. And
they were all burned. In the end, Mao
by picking Jiang Qing as his wife, had most unpredictably chosen the perfect
match, and China in the late 1960’s and early 1970’s paid the price.
Jiang Qing had a fatal flaw;
she was out for herself. For
Number One. As such her ability to piss
people off was beyond reproach. But her
story sad to say was not unusual or unique in 1930’s China. Not even close. China during this period was a chaotic unruly
place mired deep, deep in poverty.
Lose your dad at a young age? Sad. But
Daughter of a concubine?
Ok, a little unusual, but not very.
Constantly moving from place to place? Ok, maybe that was unusual.
Jiang Qing was a rolling stone. A woman with no interest in settling down,
because only then would she begin again to feel insecure. But in my view Jiang Qing also lacked that
key virtue so important in China, which most Chinese even today believe they
all individually possess: 素质.
As such she collided head on with the wives and young ladies
of the other Revolutionary Leaders in China.
Two of them come to mind; Wang Guangmei
and Sun Weishi.
Wang Guangmei, originally a young English translator for
George Marshall that eventually caught the eye of Liu Shaoqi, was the daughter
of a diplomat and a University graduate to boot. She spoke a few languages, and in short was
no dummy.

(Wang Guangmei in happier times)
Was Wang Guangmei perhaps more than a bit aloof towards this
daughter of a concubine? Perhaps. But did
Jiang Qing prove Wang Guangmei’s views correct? Without question.
Then there was the young but beautiful daughter of Zhou En
Lai, Sun Weishi. An actress in her own
right, she was immediately a rival of Jiang Qing’s. She was successful in Chinese cinema through
both the 40’s and 50’s. One would think
she and Jiang Qing would’ve especially gotten along.
Through the decades her inability to get along
with others, her jealousness and her background as an actress, undoubtedly led
to much condescension from others. Her
demise as Mao’s lover without question led to her demise in status as
This in turn led many to drop the façade of kindness and
friendship towards Jiang Qing. She was
no longer simply ignored, bad enough, but in the eyes of many simply
irrelevant. This was the mistake
everyone made. As Mao moved into
semi-retirement, his wife found her status even lower than before. It was quite obvious she would not be missed
in Beijing. Afterall, to simply visit
her own husband, she needed to seek
permission from Mao’s own bodyguards.
Is this how Lao Shaoqi treated his wife? How could others within the elite circle feel
anything but contempt for this woman?
And how could Jiang Qing feel anything but anger and
hurt? The agreement is well known; Jiang Qing would stay out of politics for 30
But what was Wang Gang Mei doing? She was travelling overseas as China’s First
Lady! Wearing a Qipao! She was even
investigating the rumored deplorable conditions in the Chinese Countryside
during the 3 years of famine.
The word was clear. She
could be trusted!
Why wasn’t Jiang Qing doing as such?
I am not sure when the break came between Jiang Qing and
Mao, but by the late 40’s they were living separately. Indeed my feeling is probably much earlier,
before the end of the war itself with Japan.
One struggles to find a record of Mao’s wife during America’s talks with
Mao during the Chongqing years.
Jiang Qing’s lack of 素质 can be tracked back to her
early desperate upbringing no doubt. And
why develop it? It had never been an
issue when it came to finding a Man? And as Jiang Qing had roamed from Beijing
to Qingdao to Shanghai and now to Yanan,
not having “Suzhi” had never been a detriment. Suddenly, in a tightknit community, shacking
up with the Communist Leader himself, Jiang Qing found herself under a bright
Like never before her every move was being analyzed, and in
my view Jiang Qing cracked. Unlike the
past, she just couldn’t pack up and go.
This gig was too good. Doesn’t
get better than sleeping with the boss, right?
So she stuck it out. But after
time simply realized this “crowd” was different from the Shanghai “crowd”.
And there was nowhere to go.
Nowhere to get “lost” for a while.
And I think the reason is simple enough. Jiang Qing never bore Mao a son. And this is where she differs from Cixi.
(Remember her?)
Cixi stood out from the others…..why? Because of her son. And only because of he son. Because of this fortune, she was able only
then to leverage her natural abilities.
Not Jiang Qing. Without
question her demise with Mao started sometime after 1940 when Jiang Qing bore a
child for Mao. A daughter named Li
Na. Does one think Jiang Qing’s star
would have faded as quickly if she’d instead bore him a son?
Would Mao have been so eager to rid himself of Jiang Qing
The decades after his marriage to Jiang Qing were different
from the decades before. There were no
heady days of Liberation, no Korean War, no crisis. Yes there was the Long March. The flight to Yanan. But Mao with another son would have had
another reason for keeping Jiang Qing close.
Afterall, Mao wasn’t going to raise his own son! Jiang Qing’s power, like Cixi’s, would have
been greater behind the curtain until their son was old enough to take power.
But there was no son.
Only lonely Li Na.
So I think after a time, her insecurities took over. Her lack of education showed itself. Her pettiness rising to the surface, in turn
making her perhaps more paranoid. Just
when she needed Mao’s emotional support I believe it wasn’t forthcoming. Still let's be honest. Didn't Jiang Qing bring some of this onto herself? For some reason the words "Jiang Qing" and "modest" or "self-predicating" do not seem to fit into the same sentence.
As part of China’s fall as an empire throughout the 19
century was without question due to the corruptness of the Qing, the downward
spiral of Jiang Qing in my view was due in part to the failure of Mao to
emotionally support his wife. Taking a
look at Jiang Qing’s failings one cannot help but in turn examine the failings
of Mao as a husband. Afterall, Mao was
twenty years her Senior. He was more
than capable of “mentoring” his younger wife.
He simply defaulted on the responsibility.
A conscious decision on his part. Indeed, one begins to see a track
I would even argue if Jiang Qing had simply packed up her
daughter and left Yanan in 1943, Mao probably would have a willing twenty
something replacement in no time. And
you know what? China would have been
better off for it!
With the loss of Mao’s son in the Korean War, the true last
constraint on the power of Mao was gone.
Nobody just knew it yet. But if
Jiang Qing and Mao had divorced earlier, Mao’s new wife almost certainly would
have provided that missing constraint. Along
with a possible heir.
As such, Jiang Qing, the annoying twit, had no intention of
being kicked out of Mao’s life EVER. Mao
was stuck her with her. She proved more
than willing to put up with the social isolation and mental abuse not only Mao
but others over a two decade period piled on her, all for still being the “Wife
of the Chairman”.
She could’ve left at any time, of her own fruition. But she knew all too well life after Mao
would be…boring? Insignificant? The pursuit of happiness never seemed to
occur to her. She would miss the
power. And she knew no man would ever
want(or risk) to be her husband. No. Her decision was cold and calculating. She’d rather be the scorned wife of Mao than
the happy wife of anyone else.
Is it any wonder she wreaked the havoc she did? Any wonder
at all? Indeed, one can simply say he’ll
have no fury like the wrath of a scorned wife of Chairman Mao.
Jiang Qing’s chance finally came in 1965, thanks to an
article written by an academic that opposed Mao. Ever since the play had been published in
1959, Mao had suspected the play was really an allegory about himself. (Here I admit to being a bit vague. I’ve written about this play in the past….here it is .)
The problem was Mao, holed up in Hangzhou, could get no one
to write a criticism of the play. He
brought Jiang Qing back, and she proudly became the dog that bit what Mao told
her to bite. Chaos ensued and the
Cultural Revolution came about.
Mao had no interest in economics. Only politics and
unchallenged recognition from everyone that he was the Top Dog in China. He unleashed Jiang Qing to help him take
down, one by one, the Beijing Clique that opposed Mao’s policies.
And this gave Jiang Qing her change at revenge.
By 1966, Jiang Qing was now seen as Mao’s instigator. In 1967 she had Wang Guangmei arrested. Her husband was also arrested, and died in
1969, rumor has it on a cold cement prison floor, naked.

(Wang Guangmei in not so happy times)
Next was the apple of Zhou En Lai’s eye, Sun
Weishi, the young innocent cinema favorite of the Communist Elite. She was a natural rival of Jiang Qing’s. Groomed from within, untouched from the sin
of Shanghai, she was in obvious stark contrast from Jiang.

(Sun Weishi with mom and dad)
Alas, Jiang Qing was able to have a still unbelieving Sun
Weishi arrested, where she died a cruel death under torture in 1968.
Such was the Cultural Revolution, where even siblings of Party
Elders were arrested.
Jiang Qing was eventually arrested in 1976, only a month
after Mao’s death. She committed suicide
in 1991. It is proper to note she was
given a tombstone.
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