Total War
(This post has taken
an exceptionally long time to write because well, of the neverending material I
have with which to use. Much of it has
only come with in the past few days. Unfortunately, it’s the gift I wish would
stop giving.)
Often I have spoken of America and China in zero sum
terms. That is, what one gains is wholly
at the expense of the other, with little if any middle ground. There can be no “unconditional” surrender
with China. Because the days of beating
the shit out of another country until it bleeds from every orifice of its body
is over, long gone.
Unconditional surrender between countries with nuclear
weapons is obsolete.
But I’m not talking about China and America.
I’m speaking of China Wife and Husband of Tigermom.
We men come in two categories: absolute wimp/pushover, or Man of Integrity
and Honor that constantly fights a rearguard action, fighting the Good Fight
while maintaining his sanity and Sense of Being. But maintaining a balance between self
respect and being utterly dominated by Tiger Wife is not easy.
Mind you I am not speaking of all men who are married to
China Wife. No, I am not. You see, not all China Wives are Tiger Moms. Many are perfectly content letting their
children go to a State School.
This must be acknowledged. But more likely I suspect they are simply
secretly ashamed they themselves in their own world couldn’t muster the proper
Chinese “drive or energy or focus” to keep their eye on the ball. Yet
still there are more than a few Tiger Mom’s out there. Transformed into a creature neither known nor
hinted at before the happy drama of children enter the scene.
Nor am I speaking of Chinese Men. They seem to be more comfortable with the
role of cuckold husband. Culturally imprisoned to their fate.
Once married to China Wife it’s all good. New house, sunny days, window shopping. Meeting new people. Watching cable TV together. Fair amount of sex. Only once kids come along does one get
blindsided. A dark shadow descends upon
the land. The ugly side of China Wife
makes its first appearance. The dark
shadow stays.
First it’s cute when your child is learning ballet, or “that
China dance” for local CNY celebrations. Your child’s first couple of
years on this Earth is nothing but a warmup lap to the big race. Potty trained. Day care at the local church. If you are like us, your child may have very
well have been sent back to The Motherland for a year or so as well. Both of my kids spoke more Mandarin than
English up until kindergarten.
Than as your child hits grade school the race kicks in. Organized team sports are denied to the
child because in America, organized team sports in this day and age mean
practice every day and games on weekends, and well, my kid can’t have her focus
taken away from the complexities of solving single digit math problems.
So the mad dash begins.
It will not stop until college admission letters arrive. In the
interim there is much screaming….and shaming.
This is what China Wife is all about.
Yeah there can be a slap in the face, or on the arm. But for Husband of Tigermom it is all a
learning experience. It is very much a “I
can’t believe this is taking place” type of emotion. It can be surreal.
So I come back to the theme of this
What does Husband of Tigermom do?
I’ll get to the point:
I very much with all my fiber and blood disdain the “look away”
type. You are a Pussy. A Wimp.
A disgrace to the rest of us. Off
with your head.
Except that many of them believe there is no shame in
this. They are the “it’s her job”
types. The kind of personality that is
comfortable letting China Wife call the shots, curdling screams of children be
damned. I refuse to buy that Asian cliché
“you take care of the job and me the kids”.
I’ve heard it ten thousand
times. My wife works, but I wash the dishes. And I cook, too. Roles have long since become immersed, with
the unspoken goal being to give the kids as perfect a study environment as
(Am I guilty of repeating that oft told and many generation
old “I used to walk to school barefoot in the snow” tall tale that my mother frequently
employed on me? Of course I am. The only difference though is I as a child in
all earnestness believed it while my kids just roll their eyes when I repeat
I get it when Wimpy Husband of Tigermom says something like “I
take the path of least resistance”, a smile feebly hanging on his face. Well my retort to that would be “so do I”!
I just don’t capitulate.
I don’t close the door, walk away and bury myself in miscellaneous
And therein perhaps lays the
Maybe I should.
Opposing Tigermom invites its own disastrous consequences. Suddenly a microscope is placed under my
activities. My methods of tutoring come
under review. Don’t have a problem with
that? When is the last time any of my
native English readers have had a non-native English speaker challenge them on
how to teach English pronunciation? Many,
many times I’ve (thank God) saved my daughter from embarrassment by reviewing
her vocabulary words with her at night. On
more than a few occasions she has embarrassingly mispronounced several of the
words…..simply because her mom didn’t know how to pronounce them herself.
Rising up against Tigermom invites Total War. My China Wife is entitled, stubborn, obstinate
and if she doesn’t know the answer I’ll be the last person she asks for
guidance. Why is that? Maybe because she would prefer to receive her
answer from likeminded “scorched earth” Tiger Mom’s like herself.
In this sense I’m proud to say I stand out. I wish I could say I was of the “walk
silently but carry a big stick” type but I’m not. I don’t have a big stick. Rather I make it
a point to steel my spine, take a breath and say what she doesn’t want to hear.
All in that time honored tradition of “doing
the right thing”.
“She can’t do well on other subjects if you force her to
spend two hours a night on math.”
“She can’t perform well on another subject’s exam if you
keep her busy on ‘your stuff’ all night.”
“Don’t lecture me on how to teach my child American History”.
“Humiliating our child and calling her stupid is not what a
mother is supposed to do”.
“She’s not meant to play piano, anyone can see, stop trying
to force the issue.”
And that time honored nuclear war provocation:
“This is about you and your Face.”
I’ve uttered the above so frequently my kids now offer it up
to mom when they get upset. However,
since told them this is only something dad can say.
Now I have a new favorite phrase:
“Numbers don’t lie”.
Just recently we had the opportunity to apply to an elite
program within my daughter’s already “elite” high school. Wisely, we chose not to do so. Why? Because
it’s a program outside the field of interest that my daughter has. Simple.
Well, a few months go by and wouldn’t you know it, all my
wives friends children are in that program!
If only because it is the program with the highest GPA track. That is, those who take that program will
take the toughest classes and if they do well(they will, trust me) they will
thus have the highest GPA’s in high school…..and get into the best
colleges. Thus, unless your child is in
that particular academic program, your child will not have the opportunity to
post a high class ranking.
Completely forgetting that we as a family had readily agreed
this particular program wasn’t a good fit for our daughter, China Wife comes
home and for the next 30 minutes spews nothing buy venom at poor daughter. Suddenly, she is dumb at math and lazy and
just not cut out to be a human being.
Problem is my daughter got a 99 percentile in math on a
recently taken national standardized exam.
My retort was simple……yep…..
“Humiliating our child and calling her stupid is not what a
mother is supposed to do”.
“Numbers don’t lie”.
Children do not understand that once words leave your tongue
they are gone. Forever. Of course
we teach them that, so it’s understood that when an adult acts the same way
those words must be deliberate. And mine
So I get what I deserve.
A long, shrill retort on how useless my family is, and it’s
no wonder I am the way I am. How am I possibly qualified to teach our kids
anything? That is, my class background
utterly disqualifies me from any sort of qualification to teach our kids
This is what Total War brings about. My Chinese Wife has no qualms about
insulting “my family” to get her point across.
When logic fails, use emotion. Speak
your heart. The hell with reason. The goal of Tiger Mom is intimidation. Her tools? Brute noise and mindless insults. But her favorite is good ole’ humiliation. Go for the jugular.
We Westerners when dealing with Chinese like to act with an
enlightened sense of decorum. (kinda
like how Obama deals with Xi….how’s that working out? Care to ask the Philippines?) There is no spittle. Nor do we hurl insults at Tigerwife’s ancestors. We earnestly involve reason and logic. But when kids are involved…well it is not
easy to stay civilized.
If medals were given out to those having survived on the
battlefield with Tigemom I would be a war weary yet heavily scarred hero. People would seek me out for advice. I’d be on youtube!
But I’m always curious when I come across a Tigermom. If only for the type of husband she
has. Does he walk with a weary
step? Does a simple smile come slowly? Or
does he find he has plenty of time to “catch up” on his reading now that China
Wife takes care of things?
To steal a phrase “do you have no sense of decency, Sir”?
One must be careful with Husband of Tigermom. When hoping for honesty it is always best to
keep your expectations low. Quite frankly,
many of these guys flat out “lie”.
“How do you feel when your wife calls your kid a loser”?
“Huh”? , he pretends…”what
are you talking about? My wife does no
such thing.”
I should stop here and mention most Husbands of Tigermom do
not speak Chinese.
Bring up verbal and emotional abuse with other guys married
to Tiger mom can be a sensitive topic.
I do so indirectly.
“Is your wife as crazy as mine is?”
In the end I find most of the dads I meet feign either
ignorance to what is going on or have just subconsciously blocked what is
happening from their minds. Or maybe I’m
just ultra sensitive to this whole damn thing…..?
I call bullshit.
If you are actively involved you readily admit the
struggle. If not, you simply dissemble.
Either way, those with deeply lined foreheads give
themselves away. (Some of you walk with a
limp.) That and the fact you down red wine at dinner parties as if tomorrow an
asteroid will hit earth. Those that
are chatty, dancing around the kitchen smiling and flirting with everyone as if
you just found out how rich your China Wife really is give yourselves
So what is the reward for Husband of Tigermom? Well, the loss is probably goodbye to an Ivy
League school. And to our Health. We’ll probably die twenty years before Wimp
Husband of Tigermom does. Is that the
price I have to pay for keeping my children normal? Could be.
Hope not.
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