Wrapping up my Top Ten

 I'm gonna knock out the last two reasons why I may never return to live in China again.  Granted, none of this may come true.  Still.....

If I were to be shipped back once again to manage Chinese operations these are the final two reasons I'd definitely hesitate.  This reason to me is really ranked number one in my book;  I wouldn't be able to see my kids.  Simple as that.

When I was last sent back to Shenzhen for what would eventually become a six year stint my youngest daughter wasn't even born yet.  And my oldest didn't really even miss me.  She was happy to watch Sponge Bob with her grandparents.

My life then was much more crowded than it is now.  I lived in an 1800 sq foot house in a culdesac, with what eventually was 6 people.  Now I have nearly 5000 sq feet and there are only three of us.  It would be difficult for me to give this all up, my books, the weather, and of course the pork!  But the biggest problem of all without question would be the time lost with my kids.  Simply because now our conversations are more meaningful.

They may not be as frequent, but the walks mean something.  The hikes have significance.  The homework sessions more important.   The advice more meaningful.  I see them repeating my works nearly everyday.  As such I know I have an effect.  Not being part of their lives means not being able to influence their lives for the good.   As such, wouldn't someone else fill that void?

A young expat in China is nothing but booze and sex.  An older expat understands that is a shallow life.  Not a fulfilling life.   Things are simply more important.   And seeing one's kids grow up is the most important.  Will I continue to go there for work?  Indeed.  But if I may company were to send me there now....I would balk.  I want to go back.  Maybe live there.  But I have more important work to be done here first. 

The final reason is easily overlooked.  I simply can't shop there.  I'm just too tall.  Too damn tall.  I'm only a six footer, don't get me wrong.  But I've tried to buy things there, all to no avail.   I'm not talking of the prices.  Just the sizes.  Even when living in Hong Kong I couldn't buy anything.   It's hard enough to get one's hair cut.    Slightly less than impossible to find good bourbon.  But to go shopping for clothes is just too annoying.  Twice I've had China Girl try and gift me clothing.  I once had a girlfriend that owned a clothing kiosk give me what she considered to be nice clothing.   Too small.  I gave it away.  

But the pricing in China for clothing is just stupid.  I find the best place to go is Wal-mart.  Pricing is good....but the sizes impossible to find.   It's the small things back home that matter....Netflix.  Amazon Prime.  Egg whites.   Porn.  Blue skies.  Youtube.  Good jeans at Costco.   Maybe I'm being over critical.  But would I have these issues in Europe?   I don't think so. 


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