Another China Grandma paying only $100 in rent
I'm currently deep in the throes of another post, taking a bit longer than I hoped. Alas, I had to drop it to quickly get this out. Yet another exasperating moment for me; My inlaws used to have a HUD apartment. For those outside America, a HUD apartment is government sponsored housing for poor people. And as I found out, one does not have to be an American citizen to be granted permission to live in a HUD apartment. However, one does need to at least be a Green Card Holder. HUD apartments in America are in many places full of people that don't speak English, or certainly weren't born here. I will come out and say I think in this situation HUD should be for American Citizens first, and GC holders next. They do have a right, as they do pay taxes(supposedly). However, while it is designed for poor folks, the loophole in the system is that one's children can be filthy rich. I give you as an example the poor, lonely lady I insisted we take out for din...