She's my Biggest Fan

“This post makes me feel sick. Coming across this blog accidentally - I find it absolutely degrading and disgusted as an American born Chinese woman.
You speak as if Chinese women were objects, not human beings. What rights do you have to tell the world for what steps they have to take in order to marry a Chinese woman. How am I any different than you, let alone anyone else? Oh yeah, let me just tell some Chinese woman how to marry a Western man.
Like fuck, who the hell wants to be degraded? You are disgusting, this post is disgusting, this blog is digusting, and so are your followers. You don't have any rights to teach anyone how to marry a Chinese woman, let alone telling ME how I should be. Fuck off, and I'm glad you a got a woman who can cater to your every needs so that no other woman can be tricked into your mindless stupidity.

Above is the post I’ve been waiting for, for quite some time, and it’s alas finally arrived.  I feel my blog is really worth the effort when I receive honest, sincere compliments on something I’ve written.   (Not that I write to receive feedback, but it helps!)

Still, it’s inevitable I’ll get stuff like the above.   From someone who has deeply entrenched opinions, that no blog, or post will ever change.   The kneejerk reaction of course one might have to what this lady above wrote is to say something like:

“Fuckoff you lonely feminist/spinster”.

Or maybe something like…

“Go get laid”……

At first I thought one of my former ABC girlfriends had written the above.  In particular the lovely one in San Francisco who found out I was engaged to a Mainland Chinese…(“how can you marry a Mainland Chinese???!!!”)

But before I am to do all that I need to go back and reread the post she is referring to. 
I do upon occasion reread my former posts, but not too often.   When I see some of you persevering the way you do, digging up posts from the beginning, (even back to 2012!), I will as well reread them myself. 

But not this one.  This post I know too well.  The post she is referring to below:

It’s one of my alltime popular posts, with several thousand reads.  It’ so frequently read, I’ve often thought of deleting it to force you all to read my other, less read, but more significant stuff.   (Maybe someday I will)

That post until very recently had been taken for what it is:  a sincere “these are my experiences” type of post.   A “buyer beware” theme.  Is it out of date?  I don’t think so.  Time and time again my readers have shown me that what they are interested in is “relationship” stuff.  No one wants to read about China in 1937 or Japan.   It’s just the way it is.   As such, I’ve guessed my readers are without question predominantly MEN.  

As such, what bothers me about the comment this lady wrote isn’t that she dissed me as much as she dissed YOU.  And the BLOG in general.  (how many of my posts has she read?) You all suck.  You all are morons.  You are probably all LOSERS(don’t confirm this with me please), and you’ve all broken many a Chinese girls’ heart.

Blah, blah, blah, blah.

The generalizations she makes(I dunno why she keeps telling me she’s an ABC.  I don’t care, and that’s irrelevant.) are staggering.  Because she is offended by one post, she assumes the other 135 posts I’ve written must all be equally offensive to her sense of inflated, out of whack principle.    And of course, my readers all need their Chinese visa’s revoked.  (We can’t have you further spending time in the Heavenly Kingdom polluting young minds or spraying around your seed.)
And a good bath to clean off the disgust this offended reader feels towards you.   (There’s nothing as quaintly charming as guilt by association)

Again pls, for kicks and giggles:

“This post makes me feel sick. Coming across this blog accidentally - I find it absolutely degrading and disgusted as an American born Chinese woman. Dear, I’m only trying to give my take on what characteristics to look for in a particular set of women, based off my experiences…it’s a very common method of expression.
You speak as if Chinese women were objects, not human beings I have no clue what this lonely woman at the bar is talking about. What rights do you have to tell the world for what steps they have to take in order to marry a Chinese woman. Because I’ve been married to one for 21 years Dear…..further proof I have from you that you didn’t really spend a lot of time on my blog. How am I any different than you, let alone anyone else? Did I not mention the post was about Mainland women?  Let me go check on that, just wait a moment pls….no, I see I did not mention “Mainland Chinese “ women…my bad for not stating the obvious, ie it is a Chinese Blog…you aren’t gonna sue me for slander are you? Oh yeah, let me just tell some Chinese woman how to marry a Western man. Why not?  I’d welcome that post.
Like fuck, who the hell wants to be degraded? Say what? You are disgusting, this post is disgusting, this blog is digusting, and so are your followers.LOSERS ALL OF YOU,  You don't have any rights to teach anyone how to marry a Chinese woman,UH….YEAH, I DO…I’ve paid my dues. let alone telling ME how I should be. I think you definitely thought this was about all Chinese women….Fuck off, and I'm glad you a got a woman who can cater to your every needs You aren’t describing my wife, trust me…. so that no other woman can be tricked into your mindless stupidity.  Dearest, you have no earthly idea how many Chinese women I’ve “tricked” into my “mindless stupidity”…if you did, you would have an aneurysm.   Pls don’t forget it takes two to tango, though.  But I guess you’ll be letting my willing accomplices off the hook, won’t you?….just a guess.
OH BTW, JUST IN CASE YOU FORGOT- I'M AN ABC. “ well, one irrelevant comment deserves another one…I’m a blue eyed 1/16th Cherokee who disdains watermelon and favors turkey bacon.  So that makes two comments that don’t have a fuck to do with what I wrote.

Anguished, disillusioned, Madam…may I make a suggestion? 
At my invitation, you are welcomed into the Arena, if you find yourself willing enough to take up the challenge.  

I am inviting you to write a post, to my blog, or to my email acct, that I will happily post on my blog, unedited, unaltered, as a GUEST POST.   The topic must be “Words of advice for Chinese Women wanting to marry a non ABC Western Man”……fair enough?

As I’m American(some choose to believe I’m not), and you know how us Americans so like to dwell on “fairness”….and I did go to College, and as such also came away with a sense of sympathy for those that feel they carry the stigma of being “stereotyped”….I invite you to turn in a GUEST POST.   Your opportunity to express your disdain with…well with people like me.   While you will be free to slander Western Man as we know him, I must insist, however, you not further insult what few readers I have….Deal?


  1. I'm new to this blog and find it very informative although the various acronyms are somewhat confusing, "ABC"s. = Always Bitching Chinagirls"? :-)


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