Ex China GF needs to let you know she's happy... A 汉字 post。

This will probably be one of my least read posts. 
Just wanted to share a cultural tidbit that came "across my desk" a few days ago.
Some things need to be left in their original state.  This qualifies.  For those of you currently studying Chinese, you get to study something outside the classroom for a change.

In China there is this creepy habit of a married man’s lover calling his wife up to ask for a divorce.   I’ve known at least 3 or so friends whose lovers have done this.   It’s all the same scenario….man marries too early in life, blah blah blah.    It’s even done by text message.

What I don’t get is when a fellow’s ex Chinese GF finds the need to contact him announcing she has a new guy….?

The below is in Chinese.  I’d really prefer to keep it’s original flavor intact.  This is what was received the other day.  (I will add some editorial flair.)  You all have google translator….which will probably suck.

这篇文章刚刚才看见.之前手机邮箱里未显示.   (She’s not a good liar, here.   What’s important is she was 22 when she and her 43 yr old lover met)

你好吗? 工作如何?两个宝贝又长大了吧?小的应该越来越好看!看到你发的湖边照片很感动.很美!谢谢!(Suddenly she wants to ask abt her ex lovers family?  Out of the clear blue…??)

我工作还在进行中,现在效果一般般,但我会继续努力!成功没那么容易!(And finally addresses her job here….said middle aged laowai had often asked this Q…she earlier claimed to have “stock” in the company….it’s a job she took in Guangzhou, which basically was the final nail in the coffin of the 2 year relationship. )

有件事,我想我应该告诉你,此刻你猜的没错! 。。。。。。我恋爱了,他和你一样年龄,四十三岁,离过婚,喜欢留着好看的胡子.我们相处的很好!现在的我和在东海一样幸福!我想你会为我开心,对吗.

Ok, so this hot, still 25 yr old woman now suddenly wants to announce she has a new bf…why?  

What’s the point?  Her middle aged laowai doesn’t want to hear this.  They’ve been broken up for a year now.  Did he think she was alone all this time?   And the last sentence…is she asking for a stamp of approval?

BTW, her parents are divorced.  Her mom is around 45.  Her new man is only 43.
Mid aged laowai has to respond, right?  Or should he just be flippant?  Ignore her maybe?
That’s not MAL’s style….he’s gonna respond.  Again you have google translator…but I need to assume all you crazy abt China(just like me) people can prob read a character or two.

MAL tries to keep it classy.  Still his reply in line one is a bit sarcastic.  The overall reply is a lot to chew on.  If she replies, which I doubt,  I may let you know.  My apologies again for not providing a translation.  (your friends can help you....and also improve upon it!) I’ve been toying around with a purely Chinese post for some time now.  I guess this will have to qualify.  


要我说什么?一个人损失就是别人宝物。上帝做决定了我们不能在一起。 你没必要我批准。妈妈批准没有问题。你喜欢什么类型你妈妈已清楚了。
你从来没有主动过在邮件上对着我小孩在乎了。 所以知道在后半应该是你自己好消息。
但认识我就是你的诅咒。 认识了我后你就不要40岁以下的。
烧饭。陪你唱歌。和他一起了应该的。他是广州市最幸运男人。 天天都能抱着你。看到你眼睛。在一起喝一杯红酒聊聊。我会嫉妒。



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