Stupid things I can't explain about my own country
I know it’s easy to knock on China. And fashionable. But other countries have their problems, too. And I’m partial to one of them, in particular. Stupid things America does. Upon occasion I'm an equal opportunity basher. I know in this blog that I usually speak about China, either good or bad, and in all sorts of contexts. Yet all the writing and thinking I’ve done has only reminded me of America’s shortcomings as well. And there are many. Oh where to begin….. Let’s start with taxes- What’s easier? Understanding the tax code or walking backward blindfolded to the moon? We all pay taxes, as we should. However, the American tax code is so riddled with deductions, exemptions, etc that it’s more than past due to argue for a simplification. In the past, it was thought to be purely a Conservative mandate. Not anymore. I think now simplifying the tax code sits squarely in the arena of those with com...