Jiang Qing comes to Yanan
The obvious thing to say is that Jiang Qing in hindsight had no chance. She was oil and well everyone else was water. A Shanghai “adulteress” whom all of a sudden is a fervent Party Member. Yet another pretty face wanting to gain acceptance without having paid her dues. This was a woman whom in a fleeting moment of affection for her boyfriend and nothing more had sworn her allegiance to Communism, then in only a few short years marched off to be an actress in the Gomorrah of China itself, Shanghai. In the interim, between 1931 and 1937 she had done nothing for The Party. Nothing for China. Everything she had done was for Li Yunhe, and now Jiang Qing. And to top it off in no time at all she’s bedding The Big Enchilada himself, Mr. Mao. Quite possibly someone she had never even heard of, let alone knew what he looked like until after her arrival to Yanan. (In better times......much better ...