The Heavenly Kingdom has a take
( You didn't think I'd wouldn't allow China "to respond", did you? I'm not that kind of person....I think.) The West is uncouth and paranoid about China. Simple as that. You are insecure. You swear a lot. You are young. America especially. You have 200 years of what? What? Nothing. You need to know your place, understand that to us your history, your culture is nothing. You want every country to be just like you, and it will never happen. Every nation you have tried to “help” has descended into chaos and anarchy. Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, to name a few. I want you to leave. I want you all to leave, and never come back. I don’t want you here. We in China have a saying 为中洋用。 For the benefit of China take from the West. This has been the case since the time of Cixi. ...