Ignorant Laowai: Nicest thing a Chinese ever did for me
I know it’s a boring topic, but I’d really like to talk about the kindness I’ve rec’d from Chinese. One in particular. In this current age, unfortunately most Chinese truly do NOT come across the best and brightest of us laowai. Many of them are sick of us. In sum, I’d have to wonder if another poor fellow had put himself in the same situation, as to whether he’d find the same happy result that I did. Yes, I’ve spoken about China ad nauseum, and how it was 20+ years ago. The deferential treatment I rec’d as a laowai, when buying a ticket on a train, or simply wanting to go to a KFC in Shanghai. (me and my gf, future wife went to the first KFC in Shanghai in 1991, and with a line at least 50 yards long, I was escorted to the front. No one complained. It was as if the Chinese in line wouldn’t expect anything less. ) Today, China is flooded with us laowai, more so than I had originally expected. I sh...