Carthago delenda est!
(All, I'll be taking another leave from this blog. I'll be back in China for a month on business and not able to post until the latter part of October. Yeah, there are some editing issues with this post, but I'm too tired to fix them, or figure out how. Pls keep your comments coming, I'll be sure to reply to them all!) People like to talk about the Thucydides Trap. The war made famous by the Greek historian, describing the rivalry between the then dominant Sparta and the fledgling Athens. This took place in the 4th century BC. It of course mirrors the so called situation today between America and China. However, while we all consider America Sparta and China Athens, was not China the Sparta of its day? For probably a millennium China was The Big Dog on this Tiny Blue Ball of ours. Indeed, during the time of the Peloponnesian War, China though deep in a Civil War, the Warring States Period, probably could have eas...