Moral Irreverence of China Woman
I met a girl at a club and I’ll leave it at that. She was beautiful, and yet practically flagged me down from across the room while I was there with a buddy of mine and his girlfriend. We danced and of course received many angry stares from China Male. I was too drunk to really care and China Girl as she is all too prone to do when the attitude hits simply put out that “I don’t give a fuck” attitude. After all, what is China Man to do when China Girl is the instigator of her own treasonous fun? A few more dates ensued where she frequently begged me in desperation to help her find someone to marry her decidedly ugly older sister. (Oh but for the random fate of God, why does he make one woman ugly and yet another beautiful?) After dating a few times it was time to “clinch the deal”. This was a phrase I learned and have borrowed ever since from a good classmate of mine I knew while I was living in Beijing. Alas, his ...