A somewhat spontaneous rant. Oh so very unpremeditated.
(I don’t know what to say about what transpired below. It wasn’t planned. Rather, it was quite spontaneous. Spontaneous that is with Chinese Characteristics anyway. That is, despite all my "spontaneity", it still took me 3-4 days to arrange all my thoughts onto paper. The first few paragraphs were actually part of my latest post. But then I veered off into an unplanned rant. The post I was going to actually write will be the next one….maybe) Originally this blog was to talk more about doing business in China. I have failed miserably at that. I look back to the well over 200 posts I have and see only a ghastly few even remotely regarding my business experiences in China. Instead I’ve gone down the politically incorrect path of talking about the struggles a Western Man has with China Wife. I readily admit to having mixed feelings about this. Sometimes I feel I’m Superman and a monument no doubt ...