Kiss the Ring Dude
On WeChat I was sent the below post. It is in Chinese. However, if one has Google Translator, or what have you, it is easy enough to read in full. It is very, very lengthy. I mind you, even scanning it such as I did, it took a good 15-20 minutes to go through, interrupted of course by breaks. The above is a post a Chinese scholar wrote about America. It has apparently gained some traction. Enough to be found on WC anyway. The Chinese culture of posting thoughts and articles is alive and well in China. Not so much here. Still, I felt it important to bring up because it shows how one Chinese fellow went from sleeping in the library during holiday breaks to see his father, to going to both Oxford and Harvard for studies. Very much a pull oneself up from the bootstraps type of fellow. Very impressive, and so typical of what America used to produce all the time....