China Can't Walk in America's Racial Shoes
While I struggle with two future posts at the moment, one of which may never see the light of day, it’s all so easy to just stop and write about something easier. So let’s talk about Race in America. And if the mood hits, Democracy, too. But my story takes a brief detour through Nanjing, Christmas Eve 1988. A few Africans were bringing some Chinese ladies to a party. A security guard, thinking the only way a Chinese Lady would be with an African Male was if she was a prostitute, refused her entry. And just like that Anti Black riots ensued for the next several days. No one was killed. No guns apparently fired. After all it is always easier to write about a subject when one’s passion rules the day. And yet while writing this I felt the need to stop for a few days to further reflect. Some topics cannot just be pounded out. For several days I’ve sat. Wondering where this way overdue post will take...